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Krello is a sophisticated Trello clone that showcases advanced web development skills using modern technologies. Built with Next.js and React, this project demonstrates proficiency in creating complex, interactive user interfaces with drag-and-drop functionality for intuitive task management. Key features include robust user authentication via Clerk, real-time updates, and seamless integration with third-party services. The application leverages Prisma for efficient database management, React Query for state management and data fetching, and Zustand for global state handling. The UI is crafted using a combination of Radix UI components and Tailwind CSS, highlighting expertise in creating responsive, accessible, and customizable user interfaces. Integration with Unsplash API adds dynamic visual elements to enhance user experience. This project exemplifies skills in full-stack development, from server-side rendering with Next.js to client-side interactivity with React. It showcases the ability to work with modern web technologies, implement complex state management solutions, and create performant, scalable web applications with a focus on user experience and functionality.

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